This past weekend, N and I spent several hours at
WESTFEST flyering the masses for a hip-hop show he's promoting (shameless pimp post to follow). We took in some great spoken word performances and a couple of fun local bands. There was a nip in the air, but that didn't stop the fun-lovin', hemp-clad Westboro hippie set from taking to the streets in droves...with their dogs. There were pooches partout. We saw approximately a bazillion dogs, from the prancin'-est of pugs to the beefiest of bulldogs. It was less WESTFEST than it was ButtSniffFest. Despite the canine cornucopia, however, the prevalence of poop was virtually nil. Kudos to the stoopers.
I didn't bother taking any pictures - being far too busy gorging on hotdogs and cotton candy - until we stopped by a used instrument shop for a quick gawk at the merch. It turns out that guitar shops = photo ops...

Hanging guitars

Hummingbird detail

More hanging guitars

N puttin' down his rock star thang
Gee whiz...I hope I don't get in trouble for posting that last one...
*blocks a nose flick & prepares to leap*Good times.
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